

How to wear sequins

Ladies, let’s talk sequins…especially the perfection of a black sequin skirt.  Lately I haven’t been buying a ton of clothes, but that’s the beauty of building up a versatile wardrobe.  Investing in great staple items definitely pays off, and a black sequin skirt can give you countless looks.  So for today’s blog post I thought it would be fun to show you my five favorite ways to wear a black sequin skirt.

Over the past few years I’ve learned to let go and have fun with my outfit choices.  Sadly, for years I held myself back from lack of self confidence.  Now that I’m 41, or 40ish as I like to say, I’m proud to say I’ve grown comfortable in my own skin.  Not only do I have more fun in life but with my wardrobe as well.  Don’t let anything in life hold you back, and that includes sequins.  Whether you’re young or old wear your clothes well and with confidence.  I think sequins are ageless and very appropriate for a lot of occasions.

Sequins are light, sparkle, and fun.  Don’t let those three things make you think they’re for formal settings only though.  Nope, styled with the right accessories a sequin skirt can work for many situations, from the office to parties and from date nights to church.  Yeah…I would totally wear sequins to church y’all!  Not afraid…God loves it when we sparkle.

sequin skirt with cardigan

fall and winter outfit ideas

Paired with a long black cardigan over a tee or cami top is a favorite look of mine.  This is a great way to wear sequins during the day without feeling like you should be at a disco party.  A long black cardigan takes the edge off of the shine, and it’s a great way to wear sequins during the day without feeling self-conscious.  I think this combo could be worn in the right office setting too.

sequin skirt with sweater

fall and winter outfit ideas

Another favorite look is when paired with an oversized sweater, especially a bright one.  Sweatshirts look great too!  Wearing a fitted pencil skirt works great with a loose top, plus mixing the textures of a sweater with sequins creates an amazing look.  It’s a fun, carefree outfit.

ways to wear a sequin skirt

ways to wear a sequin skirt

Let’s not forget this winning combo with nice button down shirt.  A plaid shirt pairs perfectly with a sequin skirt, which you can see in my ways to wear a plaid shirt.  But let’s not forget the power of a simple, white button down shirt.  It’s perfection!  If you don’t have a go-to crisp white button down shirt in your closet I encourage you to find one!  It’s a classic, but also a must that it fits great, so be sure and have it altered if needed.  I always have my white shirts taken in on the sides for a fitted look.

Monocramatic outfits

Monocramatic outfits

I also love a good monochromatic outfit, and sequins are no exception.  A black sweater or turtle neck paired with a black sequin skirt is such a winning look in my book.  I typically like to keep my jewelry to a minimum when wearing sequins so they don’t have any competition.  I like those sequins to be the focus.

Sequin skirt outfit

This is a combo I could wear forever!  A black sequin skirt paired with a cute graphic tee and denim jacket.  Mixing up these textures creates a winning outfit.  I mentioned every women should have the perfect white shirt, well I think every women should also have the perfect pair of black pumps.  Round toe or pointy toe, high heel or low heel, just find a pair that works well for you.

Sequin skirt outfit

So if you’re a sequin fan it’s time to find that perfect black skirt… you’ll create endless looks.  The pencil skirt I’m wearing is sold out but you can find a similar one here and here.  Not feeling a pencil skirt?  What about a nice flared sequin skirt, or what about rocking a pair of black sequin pants?  Oh the amazing outfits you’ll create!  I’ve rounded up a great variety of black sequin skirts and pants below that I think would add a great sparkle to your wardrobe.


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