Happy almost Halloween! I actually had some fun Halloween ideas for the blog, the only problem is they stayed in my head and never made it on the computer. Funny how that happens…. but hey, I’m ready to jump into fall and Thanksgiving! I love a good holiday punch, so I decided to break out my punch bowl. I spent days searching through unpacked moving boxes in the attic only to find no punch bowl. Yay.
The silver lining is that I found this gorgeous modern punch bowl online and I now had a legit excuse to buy it. So thanks to the new punch bowl I can show you how to make this easy cranberry apple cider punch. I love how a good punch really sets the party mood.
I know not everyone enjoys an alcoholic punch so I have a naughty and a nice version. Have no fears, though, the naughty version isn’t strong at all. It’s just the difference of adding ginger ale or champagne, totally your choice. Whether you make the naughty or nice version your crowd will love this colorful punch.
To make a festive presentation I like to add a bag of frozen cranberries and slice a few apples with my mandolin. The tart cranberries taste incredibly delicious against the sweetness of the punch. I love to eat them in between sips, especially when they start to thaw out a bit – so good! Keep all your ingredients chilled in the refrigerator and you can put this punch together at a moment’s notice. Perfect for Thanksgiving or fall parties.
I like how this punch bowl holds a lot but it has a smaller footprint, it’s not as wide as my last one. Therefore it’s much easier to store. I keep having an urge to put a goldfish in it. Doesn’t it kind of look like a fancy goldfish bowl? I’m still scratching my head where my old punch bowl is. Did I break it? Is it lost in a box somewhere or did I garage sale it and forget? It’s a great mystery.
Cranberry Apple Cider Punch
- 2 quarts chilled apple cider
- 1 quart quart chilled cranberry juice
- 12 ounce container frozen pulp free orange juice concentrate, thawed
- 2 bottles chilled brut champagne or a 2 liter bottle of chilled ginger ale
- 2 cups frozen cranberries
- 2 apples thinly sliced with a mandolin
- Mix apple cider, cranberry juice, and orange juice concentrate together in a large container and refrigerate until ready to use.
- When you’re ready to serve the punch add the juice mixture to a large punch bowl, add ginger ale or champagne, and stir.
- Add the frozen cranberries and apple slices to the punch bowl for garnish and serve.
I am so excited for the Thanksgiving and Christmas season, and now that things are starting to calm down with the house I’m ready to share some holiday fun. Next up I’m making potpourri, your house will smell heavenly and it makes a perfect hostess or Christmas gift. I should have that up real soon. Happy almost Halloween!